Lou Redmond

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Who are the Meraki Members?

In the meditation coaching space, you always hear the concept of "ideal client."

For years, I've resisted the term; however, recently, I'm starting to appreciate it more.

A mentor of mine helped me understand my ideal client by asking, "Who do you want to be a hero to?"

I like this prompt, but it makes it more about me than who I'm serving, so I put my own spin on it…

"Who do I want to champion as heroes?"

When I imagine the people I want to champion, I think of everyone in Meraki Mastermind.

They inspire me, and I'm fortunate I get to support their journey.

I want to introduce them and encourage you to receive their gifts!

Sara Kunz is the most Badass person I know. She's a speaker, Coach, Survivalist, former circus performer, and creator of the Joyful Warrior Compass. She's also participated in Naked and Afraid twice! She is a well of creative wisdom. Check out her work here, and follow her on Instagram.

Sara also runs our weekly Meraki co-working sessions.

Dan Barone is a soulful coach who helps people make bold moves on the adventure of life. Spending any amount of time with Dan brings a smile to your face and joy in your heart. He's speaking to companies and coaching over at danbarone.com

Cheri Watchmaker is a mindfulness coach with deep personal practice and a heart of gold. She helps women navigate aging and transitions with grace. Find out about her women's circles at cheriwatchmaker.com and follow her on Insight Timer.

Tariro Mundawara is a coach and inspirational speaker who is uplifting others with a unique South African spark. You can enjoy listening to Tari read a phonebook! He's a catalyst for waking people up to their life. Check out his work on Youtube and Insight Timer

David Oesterle is a sound meditation guide who steps more into his purpose every day. His willingness to try new things and risk failure inspires me. Listen to his meditations on Insight Timer.

John Steen is an energy healer and social justice advocate. John has been doing Insight Timer Lives like crazyyy and finding huge success. What's funny is when I began writing this, I forgot John's last name because he succeeded at his branding of Johnergy. Follow his Insta and tune in for an energy healing on Insight Timer!

Kate Mischon is a mindfulness teacher and trainer who created her dream job at her company by switching from marketing director to mindfulness educator! She is a kind soul with a treasure trove of insight. She also brings a sweet English accent to the group. Her work is here. Follow her on Instagram, and Insight Timer.

Alejandra Garnica is an empowerment coach and a bundle of light. She helps people navigate the big questions of "Stay or Go." She's been crushing it on LinkedIn. and just starting on her path on Insight Timer. Experience her coaching here.

Brian Morell is a Health & Wellness blogger, Ultra-endurance athlete, and as survivor of heart disease, someone who has literally had his heart ripped open. He brings humor, insight, and creative fire to the group. Know your risk for heart disease and get other wellness tips by subscribing to his newsletter at welltree.health

Matt Lee is a growth and adventure guide. He's a wise introvert with extensive practice and knowledge of all things personal development. Follow along at leematt.com, and make sure you subscribe to his newsletter. They're awesome.

Shannon Carter is a digital artist who works to raise awareness of cultural issues. I admire her courage to lean into discomfort and make her love visible through her work.

Kasper Karup is a breathwork facilitator living with his family in Peru. He's soft-spoken, big-hearted, and doing incredible work. Check him out: Breathetoflow.com

I am SO fortunate to call my time with these people "work."

Most of them are continuing for the May cohort of Meraki Mastermind.

Want to join us?

Send me an email, and we'll see if it's a good fit.

I'd love to champion your journey.

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