A Wall of Self-Doubt


I got enough people who said they were interested in the course on learning to create meditation courses that I will be making it!

Before I tell you more details, I must be transparent…

I already started working on the course in 2023. I made an outline, filmed some videos, and interviewed other teachers on their course creation process.

Then, something familiar happened—I hit a wall of self-doubt.

A self-critic part showed up that said:

“You’re not a good teacher. You’re more of a motivator.”

“What you’re teaching is not enough. People need more instructions.”

“You don’t have the tech skills to teach a course like this.”

So what did I do? I listened to these voices. I put the project aside and returned to the other things.

Then, in my mastermind, we explored concepts from the book Million Dollar Weekend, which outlines how to start a business in 48 hours.

One of the concepts is to test your idea. This means that before you spend time and energy making something, see if people actually want it.

The way you do that is to tell them about the idea and have them support it by paying upfront.

Lacking the motivation to finish the course, I decided to test this concept using the Learn to Create a Meditation Course course—and it worked!

Preselling the course gave me money to purchase the platform I needed and, more so, the motivation to get it done.

I dug up the videos and started again. A funny thing happened. As I went through the videos, I thought they were not that bad!

(Sometimes, we need distance from our creative projects.)

So here I am, letting you know the course will be done by Friday!

It's called Meditation Course Academy: Learn How to Create a Meditation Course that Makes an Impact & Income

I’m offering you the chance to enroll in the course at the discounted rate of $150 (It will go up after the launch.)

This is a self-paced video course. As a bonus, I'm doing 3 Live Coaching support calls. (I will not offer any live calls for this course in the future.)

Here’s an outline of what you get:

  • How to pick a theme that resonates with you and your ideal student

  • Guidelines for outlining and structuring your course

  • Framework for creating content that is engaging and keeps people coming back

  • Learn how to use creative visualization to enhance your practices

  • A simple guide to recording and editing your tracks & incorporating music

  • Steps for publishing depending on your platform

  • How to price your course if it's off Insight Timer

  • How to market and launch it into the world

In essence, you will learn how to Create, Record, Edit, Price, Launch, & Market Your own meditation course!

Plus, I interviewed four other teachers, Jessica Amos, Charles Freligh, Saqib Rizvi, and Darius Bashar, on their process for creating courses.

Because it’s not about doing it my way, it’s learning your own style. Hearing different ways to do something helps us understand what we like.

All of this, plus 3 Live Coaching Support calls, for $150.

I'm only doing this discounted price and offering support calls for people who enroll by the end of the week.

Are you in?

You can see course details here: Meditation Course Academy

I can’t wait to share this with you!

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