No one has it better than us


I get a newsletter called The Daily Dad. It’s a daily email written by Ryan Holiday that offers advice and perspectives on raising kids. Although I’m not currently a father, best to learn a few things beforehand.

One of the articles shares a heartwarming family ritual. While at the dinner table, they hold hands, look around at each other, and say, “No one has it better than us.”

What a beautiful reminder for a family to be present and appreciate the love they share.

I know many of us weren’t lucky to have such congenial expressions of love at the dinner table.

While that might not be the case, what if we took its wisdom into our lives and hearts?

What if we said—first to ourselves—“No one has it better than me.”

I can hear you raging at this radical statement. ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOU, but my divorce! My job loss! My lack of confidence! I’M STRUGGLING!!…..No has it better?!?!

I get it—the argument is endless.

It’s more satisfying to victimize and think everyone else is more successful, happier, and put together. (Grass is greener, right?)

Yet, what if you tried this statement on...

Can you pause...breathe...and say,

“No one has it better than me.”

Can you let its deeper truth sink in?

No one has it better than you because no one is you. You can’t experience any other Soul but your own, and it’s in YOUR Soul that your treasure lies.

What better opportunity to get to know your Soul than life's challenges.

Recognizing our divine curriculum helps us understand that while others might be more this, that, and the other, the Truth is, “no one has better than us.”

Our journey is perfect for what we need to learn and where we need to grow.

If I didn’t have pain and setbacks, I would have little to share with you.

Paramahansa Yogananda used to tell students to constantly ask, “In this moment, what’s not perfect?” As we surrender to this truth, we find ourselves opening to the wellspring of divine perfection that is always present.

When the family at the dinner table shares, “No one has it better than us" they glean this perfection, if only for a moment.

I invite you to find this beauty as well.

Yes, plans will changesuffering will happenIt all adds up to your story.

Make it matter. Find the gift hidden within.

No one has it better than you.

Can’t you see?

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