God's Network Marketing Scheme


I'm getting in my own way.

I sometimes describe life coaching as God's network marketing scheme.

Before you unsubscribe, let me explain...

On the surface, it sounds like a denigration. However, I mean it in the best possible way.

I work with my coach to help me break through mental and emotional barriers. Doing so helps me feel more alive and awake, allowing me to be of greater service and help others with their inner terrain.

By doing my inner work, I can help more people.

If I were orchestrating the ideal way for humans to make a living, wouldn't it be through helping other humans that can then help other humans?

We always talk about the ripple effect—life coaching is an example.

Yet, Some people describe coaching as a pyramid scheme, but in the way pyramid schemes are usually discussed.

You pay money to "buy in" and then get others to pay you to buy in, etc, etc. Then, as you level up, you find a coach that you pay more, so you can charge more and continue the cycle on and on.

This turns into "Coaches coaching coaches how to coach coaches."

In an actual pyramid scheme, the person at the top gets a cut of the person at the bottom, which is not what happens in this case, but I understand the criticism.

The system has the potential to indoctrinate harmful tactics.

When your coach tells you, "If this mattered to you, you'd invest it in yourself" (Iliciting guilt), and you do… you're more likely to pass this tactic on to the client you're working with.

Although not this example, I'm guilty of passing on energy to clients I received from my coach that, after examination, was not within my integrity.

Coaching is the wild west.

There aren't many regulations, and there's a lot of shady stuff. I believe we're at the beginning of a reckoning that will come to light in the industry.

With my podcast, I intend to understand how we channel wellness and business with integrity. I may not always get it right, but I'm trying.

I'm learning more every day about how I want to show up in this space—which I deeply love. Even with all its flaws, I see its immense value in the world.

I have done so much influential and healing work with my coaches. I would not be where I'm at without that kind of 1-1 support.

Which brings me to how I'm getting in my own way.

My judgment (and limitation) about my coaching practice is I don't want to be known as a coach coaching coaches, coaching coaches.

I want to work with "real people" because, in my brain, it makes me a "real coach."

Do you see the irony? My judgment about coaching is the same thing I love about it.

I've always resisted niching. I've cast a wide net and feel I can help most people with their issues. Again, to me, this makes me "of the people".

But I have this newsletter, 150 plus free meditations, six courses, and a YouTube channel, all ranging in topics and for minimal to no cost.

If you're not in the wellness or personal growth space, I hope you continue getting value from what I share here.

When it comes down to my private practice, the truth is I LOVE working with wellness practitioners and coaches.

I love helping wellness enthusiasts embrace the unknown to live their purpose with more ease and enjoyment.

I love helping them help more people!

Where I see "coaches coaching coaches" turn into an issue is when it's all about the money. When you pay $10,000 to work with a coach, so they can teach you how to sell your coaching for more money, and then you teach the person you're coaching to sell their coaching for more, etc.

One of my clients is a coach. I told her I could help her with her business, but I'm not a business coach. With all the people I work with, there's really only one problem—What's getting in the way of the natural unfolding that wants to occur.

No matter how ripe the seed is, if conditions are poor, nothing will grow.

Once we clear those blocks, we access flow, purpose, and creativity, and then, yes, business, money, clients, and opportunities—come from that. It always starts from within.

(BTW, this is much harder to sell than "I'll help you make 10k a month".)

So, getting out of my own way:

If you're a wellness practitioner or coach, I want to be your coach.

I want to help you do the inner work that will allow you to step into your next evolution of purpose and impact.

If it calls to you to work with me, send me an email, and let's discuss more.

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