God Runs The Algorithm


If you’ve taken my course Develop Unshakable Confidence, you heard me talk about Michael Beckwith’s “Four Awakenings.”

In essence, the four awakenings are different levels of awareness—To Me, By Me, Through Me, and As Me.

Short recap:

To Me: Life is happening to me is a victim mentality. It is a state that wants to blame other people or outer systems for their issues. If life is happening to us, we have no power. We whine and complain about our lives rather than proactively changing things.

By Me: Life is happening by me says I have the agency to change things. “I can make things happen!" Going from to me to by me is so enlivening because it is a HUGE shift. We wake up to realize we can use our will and shape our lives. By me can lead to big success.

The problem by me runs into is that we might try to force things that don’t create the fulfillment we seek. Many wildly successful people reach the top and are miserable.

Through Me: Life is happening through me is a higher awareness. We no longer force things to happen but let something greater move through us. We act as an instrument collaborating with the Divine. Here, we access flow and synchronicity.

When in through me we put ourselves on the path that has been waiting for us.

As Me: Life is happening as me is a non-dual state where there is no separation between act and actor. I won’t touch too much on this because what do I really know?

I will assume if you’re reading this email, you likely spend most of your time in by me or through me, occasionally drifting into to me. (I know I do.)

When talking about the Soul gifts we have to bring to the world, they operate from through me. Sure, we can “make things happen", but it can be a struggle.

When living in by me, we may wonder why things aren’t progressing—why we aren't getting clients or new opportunities. If we do end up forcing our way to success, it feels like a slog.

If we take the four awakenings perspective, we might step back and consider that maybe our lack of success means it’s not our door to open.

I built a business doing mindfulness work in schools. The entire time I was operating at by me. While I had some success, it took soooo much energy.

When I leaned more toward creating meditation online and coaching, doors opened. I felt more in flow, and opportunities came with less effort.

I like to think God runs the algorithm. When I operate in through me, the right people find me. I trust in the magnetic force of the right energy attracting the right people.

I let go of forcing things or getting down on myself when I work three hours on a post that only gets seven likes.

I still take consistent action but am less attached to the results.

How do we raise awareness so our lives can flow more?

Another two-letter phrase FOR ME. When life is happening for us, we see and listen to the signs. When things don’t work out, we trust that it's for a reason.

Take some time to consider what level of awareness you are operating from. Is it to me, by me, or through me?

To shift your state, ask yourself, How is this happening for me?

One of the fastest ways to operate on a higher awareness is to surround ourselves with others with a shared intention.

I believe in the adage, “You are the average of the people you surround yourself with.”

That is why I started a mastermind group for heartfelt meditation teachers, coaches, creators, artists, and spiritual guides.

Meraki Mastermind is a space where spiritual creators and coaches cultivate their gifts and spend more time accessing through me in their work.

If you’re looking for a group to offer business support, guidance, and accountability, shoot me an email, and we’ll see if it’s a fit.

Doors re-open at the end of January.

If it calls to you, send me an email.

May you live in through me.

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