Make a Loving


I love this wordplay:

Instead of “Making a living doing what you love”—“Make a Loving doing what you Live.”

What does this mean?

One of my favorite poems is “On Work” by Khalil Gibran.

In it, he says, “Work is Love Made Visible.”

When serving or sharing our creative gifts—we’re Loving.

We can pour love into a book, client, painting, class, song, spreadsheet—anything!

Instead of starting with, “How do I make a living doing this?”


“Where does my heart want to creatively express?”

"What would I do if I knew it would fail?"

"How would Love have me serve?"

These questions point you to the work you’d do for no money at all.

When you find what you’d do for nothing, you’re making a Loving first.

Once you find that, then we can talk about making a living.

That’s a different process that involves “Getting out there"—putting your love on display and getting rejected…over and over again.

Failure becomes feedback.

If your love is strong enough, you have limitless energy to call upon.

That’s why we start with making a loving before making a living.

This intention leads to greater all-around fulfillment, meaning, and purpose.

May you make a Loving with your life.


What do you think of this wordplay?

A version of this blog started as a Facebook post. Only 11 people liked it, (one was my mom), so I’m doubting it. Lol

I’d love to hear how it lands for you.

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-Yes, Lou, this resonates!

-No, Lou, this is corny, and I don’t really get it.

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