This Changed Everything


I still remember where I was when it happened.

It was fall 2017, and I was still living at my parent’s house. I was at the kitchen table working on the first iteration of my newsletter called “Essence.”

I then got an email from Insight Timer explaining that in 2018, they would be experimenting with a brand new feature called “Courses.”

They picked 20 teachers to test out a 10-day, 15-minute/day format. The courses would cost $20 and compensate the teachers for their work.

I wasn’t one of the teachers picked, but something in my bones said, “THIS WILL BE HUGE.”

I felt immense hope as someone still figuring out how to make a living doing what I loved.

Fast forward seven years later…

I have seven courses and have made tens of thousands of dollars from them. It's also brought many people to work with me 1-1.

I keep asking myself, can I teach people my process? I’m not sure, but I want to try.

In case you missed my last blog.

I’m considering creating a course that teaches you how to create meditation courses.

Before I spend the time and energy creating it, I want to see if people want it.

I’d share the actual revenue I’ve made from courses, but I don’t want to offer something based on how much money I’ve made.

Ultimately, that’s not why I think you should create a meditation course.

You should create courses because you have gifts to give to the world.

Meditation is one of the best mediums to share your stories and tools and help people connect, heal & transform their lives.

Plus, instead of posting 30-second dance reels, you get to create something of longstanding value that builds trust and attracts people to your work.

A meditation course can impact others for YEARS to come.

My first course came out in 2019. Just three days ago, I got a comment, “I need these ideas right now. I am grateful for your willingness to share what you have learned.”

How cool is that!

I don’t know how much you’ll make from your courses, but I’m here to help you navigate the entire journey, from idea to publishing.

If this interests you, send an email here.

I’m pre-selling it for only $150. It would include lifetime access to the video course. Plus, I will do three live group coaching calls for anyone who supports the course upfront.

If enough people commit, I’ll create the course!

If you’re one of them, send me an email.

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