Financial Well-Being


Recently, Insight Timer asked me to create content about financial well-being.

It's interesting to see the app's relationship to money change over the years.

In the past, they rejected tracks with money in the title.

They encouraged us to use words like "abundance or prosperity," which aren't synonyms.

This attitude reflects the shadow often cast around money and spirituality.

I've been fortunate (Or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it) that my spirituality forced me to grapple with the reality of money immediately.

Five days after a spiritual emergence, I quit a corporate job to pursue my purpose. (With no idea what that was.)

I don't recommend this, but it forced me to figure out how to turn my soul's gifts into a sustainable business.

What I overcame is why I'm passionate about the bridge between entrepreneurship and spirituality.

I believe we can live a life of deep, Soulful purpose and financially thrive so our resources can regenerate into who and what we value.

It's why I started my podcast, The Art & Business of Meditation.

It's why I love coaching people to bring their soul gifts to life—and get paid for it.

It's why I have a mastermind group for wellness practitioners who are in it for the long run.

I want to explore these topics and discuss what it means to bridge craft & commerce with integrity.

AND, even after saying that—I still have insecurities.

I feel uncomfortable talking about money publicly.

A part of me thinks people will judge that I'm "selling out."

I still have work to do.

Maybe you do as well?

If so, I hope you find these money musings helpful.

Overcome Feelings of Financial Scarcity

For When You’re Financially Struggling

Finding Flow & Ease With Money

Making Money a Spiritual Practice

Designing Your Rich Life

Other resources that may be useful.

In 2021, I shared every dollar I made, ever.

You can read it here: How much money I made as a Meditation Teacher

I have an episode about greed on my podcast (And my experience with it.)

Listen here: Beware the poison of greed.

If you want a deep dive into the history of the Dharma and money, read Right Bucks by Ken Wilber

Thank you for being here as I learn out loud alongside you.

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