Tears of Gratitude


When was the last time you cried tears of gratitude?

I know I shouldn’t have “favorites,” but wow, I love weeping in thanks.

In this emotional expression, I feel closest to God, or better put, I feel God.

Underneath the gratitude lies a profound sense of “everything is as it should be.”

All is well.
I am on my path.
I am being cared for by a source greater than I.

It’s humbling and awe-inspiring.

I am so thankful (metta) that life has given me many tears of gratitude over the years.

The last time was in November, after one of our first Meraki Mastermind meetings.

After the session, I went to lie down and felt sincere appreciation for how this unfolded and for the people who found their way to it.

It was a full-circle moment.

Tears welled up as I thanked God for the opportunity to offer something to others that had transformed my life ten years prior.

I felt connected to everything.
I felt in alignment with my purpose.
I felt full and fulfilled.

These are the litmus tests for whether I am doing my Soul's Work.

In this way, service is selfish. I feel more of who I Am when I help others sense who They Are.

Pursuing this work has been a great adventure.

I feared a lot.
I failed a lot.
I learned a lot.

Through it all, here's what I know to be true.

You are capable of so much more than you think.

You have gifts to cultivate and share with others.

You, too, are an instrument of God, here to be used in some way to ease the suffering of the world.

Art & Business are pathways for our soul to express.

If you’re on the path to doing purposeful work, consider joining us in Meraki Mastermind.

The next cohort begins May 1st.

If you’re interested, send me an email.


Whether this mastermind calls to you or not:

When was the last time you cried tears of gratitude?

I’d love to hear if you want to share.

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