Love What You Do


In our goal-oriented society, it's easy to fall into the mindset of "I'll be happy when."

I'll be happy when...

I get that job

I make this amount of money

I retire

I find the perfect partner

I live in a beautiful place

The list is endless.

Social media only fuels this projection. We see other's highlight reels and feel like we should be happier, better looking, more successful, etc.

I'm guilty of adding to this goal-focused ideology. I have a course about doing work you love. I can imagine some people may feel like they should be doing work they love to be happy.

Far from the truth.

While yes, doing what you love can be fulfilling, we must remember that outer results don't define happiness.

As I say in the course, you don't find your purpose outside of yourself. You begin living purposefully now.

I was pleasantly challenged regarding my "do what you love" philosophy while reading Seth Godin's new book, The Practice. In his chapter on finding your passion, he states:

"Do what you love" is for amateurs.

"Love what you do" is the mantra for professionals.

I love this because doing what you love can feel overwhelming.

Loving what you do gives us back the power. It's a tangible action we can take, regardless of what our job title is.

We can bring our loving essence to the task at hand and change the perception of what we do.

In this way, it becomes a mindfulness practice. We recognize when we're trying to get somewhere and work to come back to the now.

We stay aware of our energy and work to bring loving awareness to each moment.

We focus on process rather than outcome.

Loving what you do doesn't just go for 'work.' It applies to how we show up in all areas of life.

You can enjoy your life not by changing the circumstances but by shifting your mindset.

By being that which you seek, you can love what you do, exactly where you are.

I like to think this is what Gandhi meant when he famously said,

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Instead of wanting joy, bring it.

Instead of or seeking love, be it.

Instead of finding your passion, be passionate, and it will find you.

You have everything you need inside. When you start from the inside, the outside will blossom.

Don't get me wrong, having a vision and goals are great. Once we have the vision, like a picture hanging in the background, we leave it there and direct our energies to the task at hand.

Where in your life do you need to focus on process rather than outcome?

How can you bring love to what you do now?

Love What You Do is a meditation I recorded that can help.

Listen now on Insight Timer.

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