A Sign You're On The Right Path


You may have heard the acronym F.E.A.R.


While I understand its intention, I disagree with its meaning. I don't see fear as false evidence.

Joseph Campbell said, "The cave you fear, holds the treasure you seek."

If we're bringing our gifts to the world, fear is a friend we'll have to make peace with.

Using fear as a guidepost, I learned it is not false evidence. Fear is a clue leading us closer to our Truth.

Years ago, I was driving to give a big presentation to my biggest audience ever. The fear was palpable. I could feel its energy consuming every inch of space in the car. The only thing I could do was be with it. Listen to it. Move through, and see what was on the other side.

What I found there was the feeling of accomplishment that comes from facing fear and seeing that we're capable of more than we think.

Yes, the danger was false, but the fear was a real opportunity for growth.

So I offer a revision to F.E.A.R. Instead of false evidence appearing real:

Right now

If you feel afraid and excited, that's a sign you're on the right path.

It's a clue from your future self saying, come this way... your treasure lies here!

Listen to it, be grateful for what it shows you—step through.

Where is fear holding you back?

Overcoming Fear is a meditation that can help you find the courage to move forward.

Listen now on Insight Timer

Caveat - There are primal fears that we should take seriously, like health and safety. This advice isn't a blanket statement for all fears, just ones more common to our path of self-expression.

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