How much money I made as a Meditation Teacher


If you want to make money doing what you love.
If you want to make money as a meditation teacher.
If you want to make money as a life coach.

If you’re just interested in looking at someone’s finances, welcome! I hope this serves you. 

I'm reallyyyyy nervous to share this. We have a wide range of beliefs and programs around money, and you're about to project yours onto me. As you read, notice what comes up: judgments, surprises, triggers. Feel the energy in your body. Get curious. Money is such a rich access point to our personal growth. 

This post is long. Read when you have time and don't just scroll to see how much I made without understanding more context.

Disclaimer over… let's get into it.

Last week, my Dad asked me how much money I made in 2021. My answer surprised him. (If you had told me in 2019, it would have surprised me too.)

Before I tell you, let me explain how I got here. On January 6th, 2015, I quit my corporate job to pursue my life purpose. Initially I wasn't sure what it was, but it soon led me into the realm of writing, speaking, and meditation.

I spent two years attending toastmasters groups and writing my book, Find Your Truth. When I finally published it, I thought success and money would follow—it didn't.

In 2016, I did what any successful author does—I moved back in with my parents.

It's now early 2017. In addition to a few thousand dollars from book sales, I made an average $25/week in donations from a local meditation meetup. Besides that, I was fortunate to have a side job that gave me solid bursts of cash and supported me throughout this time. (That's a story for another post.)

In March 2017, a month after my book was published, I hit a low. I thought WTF did I do!? I quit my job, spent two years writing a book, and have nothing to show for it.

I wasn't making it, nor saw how I would earn a living. I was stuck, and I didn't know where to turn. The only thing that gave me hope was receiving a scholarship for yoga teacher training.

In June, I hit a breaking point. My girlfriend came home to see me crying and lamenting that I couldn't go on feeling so lost.

That very next day, the universe put someone in my path that would be a guiding force for the next two years. At a friends gathering, I met a woman who would become my life coach and lift me out of the darkness. She restored my faith and gave me the guidance to move forward.

And so it begins.

In 2017, I made $2,955 doing the work my Instagram bio said I did. This money was the culmination of 3 years of work, thought, and energy. Three years to make three grand. Worth it?

I have a course called Develop Unshakable Confidence that attempts to instill in you the belief I had. Even though I wasn't making it, I kept faith in my vision. I knew it was there. I just had to keep walking. And while it was frightening, it was also exhilarating!

Living your life purpose is SO MUCH MORE than making money. Money simply allows us to keep playing. I wasn't making it, but I woke up in alignment with my Soul's calling. It's scary but incredibly rewarding.


I can't emphasize enough that I wouldn't be here without the 1-1 support throughout this time. I saw my coach weekly, which inspired me with passion and direction. She gave me the idea to start reaching out to schools, which led to my breakthrough in 2018. I talk about this more in-depth in my post Saying No to $10,000.

Although it took hundreds of emails, I landed a gig training teachers on mindfulness and yoga. This job brought in $2,200 in 4 weeks. I was ecstatic! This opportunity gave me the vision to see how I could make a sustainable living.

In 2018, I also started posting more regularly on Insight Timer. Although I wasn't getting paid, I was getting so much more in return, and had a gut feeling something big was growing. I was also teaching at a beautiful meditation studio and regular yoga classes.

In 2018, I made $10,637. Not enough to support me, but hey, moving in the right direction!

In 2019, I launched my Insight Timer course, which led to income I'm still making to this day. Then, after getting my school-mindfulness work off the ground, more opportunities came. Also, towards the end of that year, I started coaching people 1-1.

In 2019, I made $38,856, enough to pay my bills.

Do you understand what happened? I MADE IT!

Seriously—THIS WAS IT. To me, making it was paying my bills doing what I loved. $38k accomplished that. It took four years of consistent effort, but damn, I did it! I arrived! Hallelujah!!!

It was a big milestone, but really, we never arrive.

Back to work!

In 2020, my school work started with a bang and then fell off with Covid. During this time, my coaching practice blossomed, and by adding another Insight Timer course, I made $57,910. Another solid burst in the right direction!

Then, in 2021, things really took off. More coaching, more Insight Timer opportunities, more school work, more impact.

Ready for it???

I made $106,489….six figures! Holy moly! It still shocks me to see.

What's crazy is that in 2021, I made a financial goal to make $150k. It was a huge stretch, but I broke down my various offers and wrote my goal for each. I then calculated how I would get there. For example, if my goal was to make $60,000 in 1-1 coaching, I needed to enroll X many clients at Y price per month.

This is manifestation 101. Write down your goal, and give yourself practical steps to get there. Your subconscious can then start working on it.

I'm weary of being so transparent and sharing these figures with you, but I think it's important.

You probably won't make a living the first year doing what you love.

However, if you have a strong vision and STAY IN THE GAME, you will get there. Keep pivoting and trying new things. It's hard AF, but it's really that simple—keep going! It took me four years to "make it" but you can be smarter than me.

It takes time, effort, and love, but I'm showing you IT'S POSSIBLE.


It's important for you to understand how I got here and what made 2021 different.

What's not written in these numbers is how much I invested in myself.

Ready for it?

In 2017 I invested $2,200 in 1-1 Coaching and $1,559 in programs and workshops. (That's more than I made!)

In 2018, I invested $3,570 in 1-1 coaching and $2,865 in retreats, workshops, and programs.

In 2019 I invested a total of $6,177 in coaching & programs.

In 2020, I invested about $8,500.

Now in breakout 2021…. I invested $9,200 in 1-1 coaching and $12,678 on training, courses, and programs. That's $22,000 on personal growth!

Hal Elrod says, "Your level of success is directly related to your level of personal development."

The chart below shows that on a superficial level. You'll notice a trend with how much I invested and how much I made.

(I also worked with a coach in 2015 & 2016, although I don't have those numbers calculated)

Money Shows Our Values

These amounts might seem insane to you. I get it. However, money is one of the clearest indicators of what we value. Some value cars, clothes, house, etc. I value transformation—A LOT.

(Look at your bank statement, and you'll see what's important to you, even if you may not like it.)

Money is energy, and what we put energy towards grows. If you want to develop yourself, putting money there helps.

I understand there are bad actors, and these can be murky waters, as the self-help industry succeeds on people's vulnerabilities.

For me, I found the training and coaches I worked with at the right time. I also tried some programs that I wish I didn't. The more important piece is taking action and regrouping when needed. Although I may regret buying a course, I don't believe the money's wasted. Energetically, It's still with the intention of growth.

I understand the ancient philosophy of offering spiritual guidance for free. This is what allowed Insight Timer to thrive, but even they couldn't sustain. Dana (donations) is a big topic at Buddhist centers because that's how they survive. Many times wealthy benefactors move the needle for these places. (I don't have one personally!) I offer hundreds of free meditations, but I can't make a living on that.

You can't put a price on Transformation.

What is living your purpose and feeling alive worth?? What's the value of healing old wounds and being more loving in your relationships? It doesn't have one!

The money we invest in ourselves is intangible. I paid $5,400 for a 4-month coaching container, and the healing that took place in one session was worth it.

Coaching can be pricey, but after spending over $9,000 on 1-1 coaching, I never want to spend less. I know that sounds crazy, but there's an energetic shift that happens when we state to the universe, WE ARE WORTH IT.

A mantra I had for myself in 2021 was:

It's not expensive, It's expansive.

You pay for your shelter, food, and clothes because they're worth something. Once we move up Maslow's hierarchy, we can use our money in our path toward self-actualization. As a mentor told me, every dollar you invest in yourself will come back 10x.

I can hear some say, "Lou this sounds selfish." To that end, I'll note that when we transform ourselves, our work ripples out to those we come across. If you get any value from what I put out there, it's because of the work I've done on myself.

Also, what's not shown here are my donations, which is another practice and comfort zone I stretched. I worked on my relationship with money and watched it transform. From being frugal and stingy to generous and expansive, I learned a lot.

I talk more about my relationship to money and Transforming Scarcity to Abundance in Day 9 of Essential Tools for Healing and Transformation.

You're Worth It

In the following year, I hope you consider investing in yourself. I'm not saying be dumb or do something that causes you harm. Instead, I'm inviting you to understand what you value, and stretch yourself in those areas. Money is a comfort zone to expand, just like any other area of life.

Instead of budgeting the same across the board, spend less in the places you don't value and spend more in the places that fulfill you.

With all this work, I found that the more I paid, the more I made it a priority and showed up for myself.

I've dedicated my life to supporting you to become the Truest version of YOU. Regardless of income, I have something for you.

Whether you listen to my podcast The Art & Business of Meditation for free—read my book, Find Your Truth for $13—take my courses, Learn To Do Work You Love, or Develop Unshakable Confidence for the price of an Insight Timer subscription—or work with me 1-1.

I hope to instill in you that your gifts matter and your dreams are possible. While it's taken me years, I hope my journey can shorten the process for you, and give you the peace, power, and purpose you yearn for.

I'll end by re-stating how this path is really not about the money. They're just numbers after all, and we won't take it with us.

Although I "made it", arrival is a myth. The joy comes from working on ourselves, and putting our energy towards something that's fulfilling—The Journey Is The Reward.

If you're not enjoying the process, you won't get there. Because the paradox is you're already there. We have it all within. Our work is about removing the layers that block us from knowing it.

Thanks for reading. I do not take your attention for granted.


If you’re a meditation teacher or coach who wants to create unique meditations people listen to over and over again, enroll in my free course Meditation Script Mastery

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