Quantum Bone Broth


Do you know what I love more than life itself?

Bone broth.

Whether I’m sick, depleted, or just logged a 10-mile run, a cup of soul-nourishing bone broth brings me back to life. (I also think the collagen is growing my hair back, but that’s up for debate.)

Bone broth may be my favorite drink in the world, alongside coffee. Wait, coffee is definitely first, then bone broth.

It was Jesus who said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by coffee and bone broth.”

Or something like that.

Anyway, I make my broth in a crock pot. After enjoying a rotisserie chicken, I take the bones and fat drippings and add bullion and salt. I then fill the pot with water and turn it on low.

It takes 24 hours to cook, and wallah, I have broth for days.

Why am I telling you about my love for bone broth?

Because there’s a problem in the spiritual coaching world.

Spiritual business coaches love to promote quantum leaps.

“Join my program and have your first five-figure month.”

“Take my course and learn the code to infinite wealth.”

“Collapse your money timeline and quantum leap to six figures.”

You know what you can’t quantum leap? Bone broth.

Sure, You can turn the heat higher, make it faster, and likely get something decent, but in this case, the longer and slower the broth cooks, the better it tastes.

Business is the same.

Taking time to grow your business keeps you humble.

The lack of success shows if you’re in it for the long game.

When you do find success, it tastes better because you know the effort it took.

Slow Juicy growth helps you appreciate the small wins.

I started public speaking in 2015. In 2017, I made my first $125 for a talk. Two years, $125. I did it! I was elated.

I believe "What you appreciate appreciates."

I put that check on my wall and sent it gratitude every day. This has led to cashing checks up to $11,000.

But that $125 still means more to me than any amount I received since.

Coaching and meditation are not about getting rich.

They are about generosity and service.

In Meraki Mastermind, I don’t make financial promises.

It’s not about getting your first 10k month, although we would celebrate the heck out of you if you did!

It’s about doing fulfilling work because the work is fulfilling in itself.

It’s about enjoying the process of “making it” because arrival is a myth.

It’s about recognizing and nourishing the small wins, wherever you’re at.

This week, a member celebrated her highest day in coaching revenue, which she credits to the mastermind’s support. No, it wasn’t thousands of dollars—it was $225.

She was thrilled to experience the tangible impact of creating a new service and grateful that it opened possibilities for her future.

If you want me to guarantee that I will help you make 100k in your business, then Meraki Mastermind is not for you.

If you want to feel love and expansion emanating from your being because you’re tapping into your creative life force and sharing your authentic gifts—then Meraki Mastermind is for you.

One of our members said he found “his home” in Meraki. Maybe you will, too.

You will learn tools, strategies, and structure to grow your craft & business. You’ll learn from guest experts and be backed by a community of wellness practitioners, creatives, & coaches like yourself.

You don’t need to do it alone.

Doors are open for re-enrollment, and the next cohort starts in two weeks.

If it calls to you, send me an email.

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