A Simple Way to be Happier


Hi Thou! (I know that’s not your name, but keep reading. 😉)

I recently rewatched The Power of Myth, an interview series with Bill Moyer and Joseph Campbell.

It’s one of my favorite programs. I watch it once a year and recommend it as a starting point for Joseph Campbell’s work.

In episode 3, Campbell offers the distinction he learned from his study of Native Americans, who saw the natural world as a “Thou” rather than “it.”

He says:

The ego that sees a “thou” is not the same ego that sees an “it.” You can address anything as a “thou”, and you can feel the change in your psychology as you do it.

Thou transports us to a state of reverence.
Reverence elicits gratitude.
Gratitude brings happiness.

If you want to be happier, bring more Thou energy into your life.

Notice what happens when you feel the Thou-ness of a tree or a bird.

See the next person you pass on the street as Thou rather than them.

Practice cutting through the personality, and see the divinity in each person, place, and thing.


If you’re interested in The Power of Myth, you can watch the series on Gaia, read the book, or listen to the audio version.

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