Transforming Jealousy


I’m fortunate that I meet regularly with a group of peers in the spirit of mutual support. You might be familiar with them: Charles Freligh, Saqib Rizvi, Jessica Amos, and Darius Bashar.

Since the end of 2022, we have met weekly to offer each other creative & business advice. This type of group is called a “mastermind.” If you read my book, you will hear me discuss the first mastermind group that transformed my life.

Something magical happens when we surround ourselves with others who blow open the door of what we believe is possible.

It’s why I’m passionate about the intersection of spirituality and business and started my podcast, The Art & Business of Meditation.

Last month, Insight Timer invited Darius to contribute to their Spring Challenge among 14 other teachers. When he told us, a pang of jealousy crept in.

However, I was delighted by how quickly that shifted into genuine excitement and joy for Darius' opportunity.

It was a clear window into how far I’ve come. At one point, competition, comparison, and jealousy were rampant.

Working through these toxic energies is one of the reasons I created my Course, Learn to Stop Caring What Others Think.

Jealousy and comparison will only stifle the very thing that you want.

Rooting for others' success creates a state of abundance.

I want you to experience the transformation that happens when you step out of you vs. me thinking and feel the joy of another as if it were your own.

Here’s a practice I made to help you transform your jealousy and bring more great things into your life.

Check it out here: Transforming Jealousy

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