Two things to remember


This week I got back on the grid after co-facilitating a retreat in Guatemala. It’s been a powerful start to the year and I’m so excited to be back sharing and connecting with you. :)

While we’re getting past the New Year’s Hype, I want to offer two things to remember throughout the year.

You don’t have to wait to make a change.

You’re not too old. It’s not too late. Your life can change the moment you decide.

The stories of your past don’t have to hold you back.

If you don’t have a new job, body, or are in a passionate relationship the first two weeks of January, that’s OK.

Let go of the pressure!

A good year starts with a good day. Every day is a chance to make a change.

How can you make today great?

Your inner-work dominoes into all areas of life.

Forget setting the resolution to eat better, exercise more, or start a hobby. There's really only one intention—Do the inner work. Once you get unstuck and release your vital life energy, life seems to take care of itself. Doubt falls by the wayside and clarity, flow, and aligned action take its place.

Do you want a better relationship or a job that fuels you with purpose?

We get what we are.

Transformation occurs inner to outer.

As we let go of blockages states of well-being occur naturally. This energy then expands into all areas of our life.

As you start doing this work, you’ll find you don’t have to change your job or location—just yourself.

If there’s one thing I learned in 2021 is that we can’t do it alone. We need guidance from others as well as to be tapped into a group of people who are doing their own work.

In 2022, I’m committed to helping you through your transformational journey via my emails, meditations, coaching, and workshops.

Thanks for being here. 🙏

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